At Lifeline Hospitals, women’s wellness is all about the health of your body. We conduct comprehensive gynaecological, pelvic, and other regular examinations. There will be several questions based on which examinations may be customised to ensure that you are in optimal health.
iBreast Scan Breast scans are extremely helpful in the early detection of cancer. The mammogram does not provide a health practitioner with enough information. Therefore, an advanced breast scan, much like an imaging test, is performed where a radioactive matter in tiny amounts called a tracer is used. Gamma rays emitted by the tracer enable the scanner to take pictures internally. Hot spots are areas where the radioactive tracer accumulates in greater amounts and also contain cancer cells.
BETI A specialized BETI unit, (Breast & Endocrine related Therapy Institute) at the Lifeline Hospitals is dedicated to the early detection and treatment of endocrine-related disorders and breast cancers. The highlight of the programme is the iBreast Exam a radiation-free and painless way of performing breast examinations. An innovative, portable device is utilised, for the timely detection of breast lumps, and to treat cancer at the earliest. Some of the most common diseases responsible for high mortality and morbidity rates are breast and thyroid disorders, which require early and regular screening.
PCOS Consultation The diagnosis for PCOS involves a collection of tests. At Lifeline Hospitals, doctors begin with a discussion of your menstrual health and observe for weight changes. Thereafter, a physical pelvic examination, an ultrasound, and blood tests are performed to exclude possibilities of androgen excess or menstrual abnormalities. The thickness of the lining of the uterus and the appearance of ovaries are marked with an ultrasound.