In 1978 the Tamil Nadu government began an immunization programme against six preventable diseases. This was further fortified by the UIP or Universal Immunization Programme. At LLH, newborn infants and pregnant women are regularly immunized for prevention of tetanus infection during delivery with the tetanus toxoid injection. Additionally, with an aim to minimize mortality and morbidity due to Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPDs), TB, Rubella, Diphtheria, Hepatitis-B, Pertussis, Haemophilus influenza B, Tetanus, Polio, Measles and Rubella vaccines are administered to children and young mothers. We also administer the Pentavalent vaccine that is meant to protect children against five VPDs namely, tetanus, Hep-B, diphtheria, influenza-B, and pertussis. This way the child receives fewer pricks of the needle.
Age | Vaccines | Dose | Route | Site |
At Birth | BCG | 0.1 ml | Intra dermal | Left upper arm |
OPV Zero dose | 2 drops | Oral | Oral | |
Hep B birth dose(within 24 hours) | 0.5 ml | Intra muscular | Antero-lateralaspect of the Mid thigh | |
6th week | Penta-1 | 0.5 ml | Intra muscular | Antero-lateralaspect of the Mid thigh |
OPV-1 | 2 drops | Oral | Oral | |
IPV-1 | 0.1 ml | Intra dermal | Right upper arm | |
Rota-1 | 5 drops | Oral | Oral | |
10th week | Penta-2 | 0.5 ml | Intra muscular | Antero-lateralaspect of the Mid thigh |
OPV-2 | 2 drops | Oral | Oral | |
Rota-2 | 5 drops | Oral | Oral | |
14th week | Penta-3 | 0.5 ml | Intra muscular | Antero-lateralaspect of the Mid thigh |
OPV-3 | 2 drops | Oral | Oral | |
IPV-2 | 0.1 ml | Intra dermal | Right upper arm | |
Rota-3 | 5 drops | Oral | Oral | |
9 months (After 270 days) | MR 1st dose | 0.5 ml | Subcutaneous | Right upper arm |
JE 1 (in selected districts) | 0.5 ml | Subcutaneous | Left upper arm | |
16-24 months | DPT 1st booster | 0.5 ml | Intra muscular | Antero-lateralaspect of the Mid thigh |
OPV booster | 2 drops | Oral | Oral | |
MR 2nd dose | 0.5 ml | Subcutaneous | Right upper arm | |
JE 2 (in selected districts) | 0.5 ml | Subcutaneous | Left upper arm | |
5-6 Years | DPT 2nd booster | 0.5 ml | Intra muscular | Upper arm |
10th Year | TT single dose | 0.5 ml | Intra muscular | Upper arm |
16th Year | TT single dose | 0.5 ml | Intra muscular | Upper arm |
Pregnant Mothers | TT1 Early in pregnancy | 0.5 ml | Intra muscular | Upper arm |
TT2 Four weeks after TT1 | 0.5 ml | Intra muscular | Upper arm | |
TT Booster If received 2 TT doses in a pregnancy within the last 3 years | 0.5 ml | Intra muscular | Upper arm |