Several complementary and alternative therapies help treat mental health issues. Holistic medicine treats the entire system of the individual. Taking into account the mental and social factors of the individual an attempt is made to treat the whole person rather than just addressing only the symptoms of the disease.
Yoga Reduce muscle tension, inflammation, and stress while sharpening attention and concentration. With yoga, your mind calms down and focuses on healing the nervous system. It is considered one of the most important tools, and in many cases, incorporated as an essential practice in psychotherapy.
Zumba Anyone can join Zumba and easily make friends. Which means you have a great social time. Besides, you also garner a positive mindset due to the upbeat songs and fast-paced dancing. As you rock your stress away, the vigorous movements release endorphins that also make you feel happier.
Ergonomics Conventionally, image preceded function in an office design. Today, workspace design is all about employee wellness and user-focused. To make employees and workers more productive and efficient, human-centric space planning with ergonomics provides lots of health benefits including spinal alignment, relief from neck pain and injuries, and subsequently better mental health.
Physiotherapy Endorphins are associated with improved mental health and positivity. These are released during general physical activity. Physiotherapy works almost in the same way, where an attempt is made to restore optimal along with an improvement in general well-being. Physical activity, movement, and exercise are all addressed by physiotherapy, in either group or individual therapeutic settings. Clearly, it bridges the gap between physical and mental health in humans.
Nutritional Counselling Studies over the years have shown that there is a direct relationship between essential vitamin deficiencies and mental disorders. In most cases, the lack of certain micronutrients was responsible for specific disorders. Therefore, symptoms of common mental health illnesses such as schizophrenia, major depression, and bipolar disorders are treated with the help of dietary supplements that help alleviate the symptoms.
Specialist Consultation A specialist’s consultation aims to address detox and mental health rehab where anxiety disorders, mood fluctuations, and even addictive dispositions are treated with a one-of-a-kind approach. An integrative, advanced, and holistic psychotherapeutic program, it is also one of the best alternatives to psychiatric medication.
Health Talks Taking place in a clinical or health care centre setting health talks are a great way to share information with a community that requires more awareness. The approach invites better participation and is extremely effective in passing on required mental health information, without the fear of stigma.